Wednesday, December 31, 2008


And I'm back on the blogging network. Welcome to Denise's Adventures in Thailand (or, in this case, still in the U.S., but getting ready for Thailand).

I'm excited...!

I've still got a few things to take care of before I head out on Thursday morning, but all in all, I'm ready. I'm packed - for the most part - and I'm in the process of getting things in order for my parents so they can have access to my school and financial stuff in case I can't do something from overseas.

I also set up a Flickr account for my photos. You can go to and search people for "deniseinthailand" to find my account. I'll let you all know here on my blog when I post new pictures to Flickr.

My flight leaves bright and early on New Year's Day and lasts for about 24 hours. Yippee. I kinda hate flying, but at least I'll have plenty of time to sleep, haha. If I can get internet in any of the airports, I may even blog en route to Bangkok.

Well, that's enough for me tonight. I can't wait!


  1. What an awesome adventure you have a head of you! Keep us posted and take lots of pictures!

  2. Hope your flight wasn't too bad. Stay safe and have fun. I'll be reading the blog to catch up on you.
    B. Monte

  3. good for cooked food
